Gemeinsame Systemgruppe IfI/b-it

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Transponder for the CS and the B-IT building

the following information is only valid for the computer Science Dept. of the university of Bonn and the B-IT. For information about transponder systems of other university buildings, please contact the appropriate building management.

Please complete all documents before contacting our representative.

The documents can be handed in personally or sent by mail to Moreover, you can send all your questions concerning transponders to this address.

If a transponder is lost, please read here.

Core times attendance service

Mon 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Wed 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Or after previous arrangement.

Instructions for due diligence

Please hand over to the employee, who should be entitled to receive a transponder, the following information about the duties of due diligence in dealing with keys to locking systems of the University of Bonn and on the imminent liability risks in the event of non-compliance (german only).

You can download the document here: Instruction

New transponder

The document is only to be completed by an authorized person of the corresponding department/workgroup/etc. Notes on how to fill in the form are provided in the document “Notes” below (German only). Transponders can not be applied for independently. If in doubt whether an employee is eligible or not, please contact GSG. Please choose the rights of access as restrictively as possible, taking into account the interests of the service.

If the responsibility for the locking authorization falls within another department/workgroup/etc, then another application must be completed by the department concerned.

The application for a new transponder can be downloaded here: Transponder application

Notes on how to fill in the application: Notes

Upon termination of the employment relationship or expiration of ownership of the transponder, the transponder must be returned immediately. If this does not happen, the transponder is treated as lost (cf. Loss of the transponder).

Transponder change request

The document is only to be completed by an authorized person of the corresponding department/workgroup/etc. Transponders can not be applied for independently. If in doubt whether an employee is eligible or not, please contact GSG. Please choose the rights of access as restrictively as possible, taking into account the interests of the service.

If the responsibility for the locking authorization falls within another department/workgroup/etc, then another application must be completed by the department concerned.

The document can be downloaded here: Transponder amendment


If your working group has received transponders for self-administration, you can use this reference receipt to document the assignment. Please do not neglect your documentation obligation for this type of transponder!

The document can be downloaded here: Receipt

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Submission and queries

The completed transponder new or extension request can be sent by mail or handed in personally to the GSG (preferably room 0.015). The transponder is issued promptly after receipt of the application. For extensions, expansions and restrictions there is no issue of another transponder. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us in person or by e-mail (

Loss of the transponder

In case of loss of your transponder please contact the employees of the GSG immediately. You can reach us by mail to Please send us your full name and (if available) the transponder number.

If a transponder with locking authorization for interior, intermediate and/or room doors is lost, a lump sum of €50 for the reprogramming of all doors concerned will be demanded from the responsible workgroup. If there is a locking authorization for external doors, this sum will be increased to €100.

In the event of failure or non-timely reporting of a loss, the resulting damage (theft, damage to property, etc.) can be fully expected of the transponder holder.

Opening and closing of doors using a transponder

In the non-activated state, the outside knob of the cylinder turns freely. Opening or closing the door is not possible. Hold the transponder at a distance of approx. 10 to 20 cm from the digital locking cylinder and briefly press the transponder button once. If it is an authorized transponder, a double beep will sound and the cylinder will engage. Now turn the outside knob in the locking or opening direction. You have about five seconds to complete this process. Then a single beep will sound and the outside knob will turn freely again. If it is an authorized transponder outside the authorized time zone, a single beep will sound. However, the cylinder does not engage and the door can not be opened. When trying to open a door with a transponder without a lock authorization, no signal will sound and the cylinder will not engage.

Battery Warnings Lock Cylinder

If the main battery of the lock cylinder becomes empty, after pressing the transponder before the cylinder is engaged, eight short, rapidly successive beeps can be heard.

In case of emptying cylinder batteries, please contact the GSG immediately to initiate a battery replacement. If the charge of the batteries is too low, the door could be hard to open even for us, so it is in your interest to give us early notice about low batteries in lock cylinders!

Battery Warnings Transponder

If the battery voltage of the transponder gets low, the lock cylinder will sound eight short, successive beeps afte every transponder actuation.

Battery Change Transponder

The replacement of the battery must only be carried out by qualified personnel. Please do not make an attempt to change it yourself to prevent damage to the transponder. Come by the offices of the GSG and have the battery replaced.